1,000,000 FLT in prizes

FLT Stake Race

Complete tasks, participate in contests, win your allocation, and be the first to stake FLT in the largest decentralized serverless platform.

Prize pool

1 million FLT for all-time top-100 racers
10,000 FLT weekly for top-20 gainers
Exclusive NFT to all-time top 1000
Top of the leaderboard will be the first
to get staking rewards

Start the race


26,495 XP
19,900 XP
17,275 XP
12,861 XP
9,594 XP
9,504 XP
7,501 XP
2,387 XP
2,114 XP
1,243 XP

Why stake FLT?


Limited opportunity

Strong economics

Your stake secures the Fluence network, providing trust in the compute providers and enabling an alternative to the internet oligopolists by removing the risks of centralized control, subjective censorship, and data lock-in.

Number of $FLT stakers is limited to the number of committed CPU cores on the platform. The first 100 stakers will  receive 1 additional FLT for every 5 FLT staked.

Fluence’ economics model is powered by the FLT token, which secures both compute resources, and actual compute jobs that these resources run.

*FLT is not available to US purchasers

How it works

Learn more
Compute providers add CPU resources and specify the amount of Compute Units provided. A Compute Unit is a CPU Core and the number ranges from 12 to 120 (for 16 to 128 core CPU)
Every time a new server is added to the network, it requires $200 in FLT stake per Compute Unit, to be active. For example, 64-core CPU requires $12,000 FLT stake (4 cores are reserved for running Fluence node)
Each new CPU added is an opportunity for a new staker to activate the CPU by staking to a provider’s Capacity Commitment.
The Capacity Commitment determines the duration of the stake (from 1 month to several years) and also the delegation rate from 0 to 100%, which defines the share of rewards for the staker. Each stake is locked for the duration of the Capacity Commitment.
in FLT Stake
64 core CPU (60 cores available)
$10 per core/month — 20% staking reward
$1,200 per year
in vested FLT rewards
Earn $1200 per year by staking $12,000 per 64 core CPU with estimated 20% delegation rate.
$720  per year
in vested FLT rewards
Earn $720 per year by staking $12,000 per 64 core CPU with estimated 10% delegation rate.
*number of cores in CPU & delegation rate may vary depending on the compute provider

Get ready to stake

Lap 1 starts
July 2024
FLT staking available for winners
Lap 1 prize distribution
August 2024
Lap 2 starts
September 2024
Lap 2 prize distribution
October 2024
FLT staking available for all
November 2024

Race FAQ

The FLT Stake Race is a competition designed to onboard users into the Fluence protocol and promote decentralized web computing. Participants compete in two laps, "The Ignition" and "The Final," to stake FLT tokens on providers' hardware and earn rewards. The race will attract developers and delegates, offering staking rewards and unique opportunities to earn exclusive NFTs.  Lap 1 runs from July 10 to August 20, with weekly and all-time rewards for top performers.

It's never too late to join the FLT Stake Race! Regardless of when you enter, there are plenty of opportunities to earn rewards. Weekly prize pools of 10,000 FLT are available for the top 20 gainers, ensuring that new participants always have a chance to win. Additionally, completing quests and participating in ongoing tasks can still earn you rewards and exclusive NFTs. Jump in anytime and start competing for your share of the prizes!

The rewards for participating in the FLT Stake Race include:

All-time Top 100 Racers: Share of 1 million FLT.

Weekly Top 20 Gainers: 10,000 FLT weekly prize pool.

Exclusive Staking Access NFTs: Granted to the all-time top 1,000 participants, providing early staking access and additional rewards.

The prizes for the FLT Stake Race are distributed across two laps, each with a 500,000 FLT prize pool.

  • Top 1: 20% of the lap's pool
  • Top 2-5: 20% of the lap's pool
  • Top 6-10: 15% of the lap's pool
  • Top 11-20: 15% of the lap's pool
  • Top 21-50: 15% of the lap's pool
  • Top 51-100: 15% of the lap's pool

Additionally, 10,000 FLT is awarded weekly to the top 20 gainers.

Whitelisting in the context of the FLT Stake Race means being approved to participate in staking FLT tokens on the network. Since staking slots are limited by the number of CPU cores available, participants must compete to get whitelisted. Being whitelisted allows you to be among the first to stake and earn FLT rewards, ensuring you have access to the platform’s staking opportunities as the network gradually expands.

Complete tasks
Earn points
Get rewarded in FLT
Get exclusive staking access
Earn points
Complete tasks
Earn points
Get rewarded in FLT
Get exclusive staking access
Earn points